NovaThreads – Thread Lift

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Achieving natural-looking results without the need for surgery, NovaThreads is an innovative office treatment that can help patients attain their cosmetic goals with essentially no recovery time. Dr. Mark Richards, our board-certified plastic surgeon, offers this procedure for patients who want to look their best at any age.

What Are NovaThreads?

NovaThreads are a unique rejuvenation treatment designed to both lift and smooth skin in the targeted areas. The unique makeup of the product, which is a special type of thread made of PDO (polydioxanone), makes it possible to create a more youthful-looking appearance on the face, neck, jawline, and other areas of the body.

How Does NovaThreads Treatment Work?

NovaThreads uses PDO absorbable suture threads to tighten and lift the skin. PDO is a synthetic substance that has been used in medicine for many decades with proven results. Once the PDO suture is inserted into the skin in the desired area, the suture will slowly become absorbed, strongly stimulating collagen production. This process leaves smoother, lifted, and less wrinkled skin without any scar tissue. This is achieved due to controlled healing, similar to what happens with other skin treatments like micro-needling, lasers, and chemical peels.

What Are the Pros and Cons of NovaThreads Treatment?

In addition to being a non-surgical treatment with natural-looking results, one of the many advantages of NovaThreads is how many areas of the face and body this treatment can be used, including:

  • Midface
  • Lips
  • Jawline
  • Neck
  • Skin wrinkles of the face, neck, and inner arms

NovaThreads can potentially be used almost anywhere on the face and neck, so please explain your concerns and goals to Dr. Richards so he can customize your treatment. NovaThreads treatment is widely applicable to many people, even those who are not surgical candidates, but may not be appropriate for everyone. During the initial evaluation, Dr. Richards will review your problem areas and medical history to see if you are a good candidate. While NovaThreads cannot achieve the same 15-year dramatic results typical of our facelift and neck lift clients, NovaThreads can provide relatively dramatic improvement that often lasts a year or more, has little if any recovery, and costs a fraction of surgery. You should refrain from taking any products that “thin the blood,” like aspirin and many supplements, for at least a week before the threading if not medically contraindicated.

What Should I Expect During the NovaThreads Procedure?

Two techniques can be used to firm and lift your skin in the treated areas depending on the goal of treatment. They may be combined together if this is indicated. The first technique is known as NovaMesh, in which two NovaThreads sutures are placed vertically under the skin, and three overlapping NovaThreads sutures are placed horizontally under the skin, creating a “mesh.” This leaves behind a stimulating foundation from which your body can build more collagen for a lifting and firming effect. The second technique is NovaLyft, the preferred approach for lifting sagging face and neck areas. A series of single sutures equipped with small cogs or barbs are placed under the skin. These cogs grip the skin while the suture is tightened by gently pulling on on the suture while repositioning and elevating the skin. A drop of local anesthesia is placed into the skin at each thread insertion point prior to inserting the threads to make the procedure more comfortable. As with any NovaThread treatment, new collagen develops around the dissolving PDO thread, thus further increasing rejuvenation of “the lift” over the post procedure weeks and months.

How Much Does NovaThreads Treatment Cost?

The price of facial thread lifting at our practice ranges from $8,050 to $3,500. With this in mind, the final cost of treatment will depend on the number of PDO threads needed to achieve your goals. This is usually determined by the number of areas of the face requiring treatment, or the number of meshed suture patterns needed. The typical areas are cheeks, lower face, and neck; however, we also treat the lateral eyebrow areas if needed. Dr. Richards’s medical team will review the total cost of your proposed cosmetic options at your consultation.

Ready to learn more about NovaThreads? Contact our practice to schedule a consultation and find out if this fast and innovative approach is an ideal way to improve your appearance.