Facelift Revision Surgery Maryland Case 1

Our first before and average series we see a gentleman who had not just one but two face lifts in the past 3 years before he came to see me and he still wasn’t happy and he was thinking about going back and having a third facelift. As you can see on the left is his front view and he doesn’t look happy. He has a jaw line that is almost in the shape of a sea gull flying. It’s a tip off to aging. His lower eyelids are elongated, he looks tired, and if you look onto the right side, eyelids are shortened, cheeks are up, and his jaw line is clean. Nice clean masculine jaw line. On the left side you see a side view and you notice joweling down by the mouth, fullness there, again the length of the lower eyelids giving away age and tiredness. And a neckline that’s not completely clean. And on the right side the cheeks having been raised up with a cheek lift, the brows having been raised up with a brow lift, and the neck which has been resuspended, actually the muscles taken down and resuspended to give a clean jaw line. Really helped him out a great deal. He’s been very pleased with his results.

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